Mom says I should introduce myself, in case anydoggy comes to my blog who doesn't already know me. I started writing this blog just for my friends, but some of them have sent it to their friends, and they don't know me (and I don't know them) yet. Soooo.....
I'm Chance, but my ACK registered name is LegendHold Perchance to Dream HIC CGC. My first mom called me Othello, and was going to name me LegendHold Here Nor There, cause she never knew where I was or what I was getting into. All my litter brothers and sisters have ACK registered names that are famous sayings, and a lot of us have names from Shakespeare. My furrever Mom said she had Dreamed of having the Chance to own a collie since she was a little pup. And she knew my great-grandpa, and great-great-grandma...Ever since she met them, she Dreamed of getting the Chance to have a collie like them. So, when she met me, she asked my breeder-mom if she could name me Perchance to Dream.
Part of the reason my furrever Mom loves Collies is that she grew up reading Albert Payson Terhune's books about the famous Sunnybank Collies. One of her favorites was Treve, whose ACK registered name was Ch. Sunnybank Sigurd. He's my great-great-GREAT-grandpa, many generations back. A lot of the other Sunnybank collies are in my family tree, too. Pretty cool, huh? And we live just a few miles from Sunnybank, so we go there a lot, even though the Terhunes and their collies went to the Rainbow Bridge a long time ago. Every summer, we go to the Gathering at Sunnybank, and see all our friends. There are collies everywhere, at the Gathering! My friends Baden and James come with Aunt Toni, and Aunt Brenda brings her collies, too. One of them, Nigel, is a superstar - he was in Westminster this year! But Mom says I'm still the bestest collie ever. I'm officially a Good Citizen, and I'm teaching my Mom obedience. I love to visit the old people where she works and cheer them up. And I finally got to show Mom my herding instict! Now maybe I can teach her to herd sheep, since she tells me I can't herd the other dogs. But hey, if she won't buy me my own flock of sheep, I've got to practice on them, right? I mean, a Collie's gotta do what a Collie's gotta do...And a Collie's gotta herd!
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